cool, you guys are the best!
I've updated the instructions for feeds to make it copy-pasteable for users, rather than having to edit out the options/variables. Naturally I hide the originals and only show the updated ones.
Example: the builtin CURL instructions for a package:
To download $PackageFullName from cURL, run the following command:
curl $DownloadUrl[?contentOnly=[zip|tgz]] --output $PackageName.$PackageVersion.[zip|tgz] --user <user>:<password>
I simplified it to:
To download $PackageFullName from cURL, run the following command:
curl $DownloadUrl?contentOnly=zip --output $PackageName.$
Powershell example:
To download $PackageFullName from PowerShell, run the following command:
Invoke-WebRequest $DownloadUrl[?contentOnly=[zip|tgz]] -Headers @{"AUTHORIZATION"="Basic " + [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("<user>:<password>"))} -OutFile $PackageName.$PackageVersion.[zip|tgz]
To download $PackageFullName from PowerShell, run the following command:
Invoke-WebRequest $DownloadUrl?contentOnly=zip -OutFile $PackageName.$